Ads Not Loading or Playing, Stalling, Freezing, etc.
If you are having trouble viewing ads on your mobile device, there are a few things that can help:
- Please try restarting your device.
- Make sure you have a stable/strong connection to the Internet (WIFI is recommended).
- Ensure you don't have too many apps running in the background.
- Check to see if there are any privacy/developer settings on your device that restrict you from viewing ads.
- Check that your Internet provider/region does not restrict ads, or your modem/provider doesn't throttle ads or ad content.
- Verify that ad blockers are not turned on.
- A fresh installation may resolve these issues - enable Kongregate cloud saving first
If you are still having ad-related issues, please contact us and we can help troubleshoot.
No Ads Available
There may be times where you receive the message that no ads are available. We use an ad server that pulls from a 'pool' of ads available for your region and language. That pool can become empty from time to time, but will be replenished after a short wait.
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